The Power of Paradox, Humor, and Change - With Dan Millman - Online - Saturday, April 19th, 2025 - 5-6:30 PM PT

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Moment to moment, your awareness resides in one of two worlds or dimensions, each operating under different truths. In his presentation, Dan will resolve the truth behind time, free will, unity, and death. Paradox is the master key to unlock and resolve opposing truths of each dimension. Dan will also touch upon ‘cosmic humor’ and how to ‘surfi the waves of change.’


  • Paradox as a master key 
  • Does time exist?
  • Free will: illusion and reality
  • Separate selves or all One?
  • The meaning of 'eternal life'

About Dan:

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, Stanford University gymnastics coach, martial arts instructor and Oberlin College professor. His 18 books are published in 29 languages. His first book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior, was adapted to film in 2006. Over a span of 40 years, in 32 countries, Dan has taught the "peaceful warrior's way," a practical approach to living an aware, purposeful, and healthful life.

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