Paradiso and Rasamayi will be visiting East West Bookshop on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7. Here is a written transcript of a recent interview with the sound healing duo.
Paradiso & Rasamayi, could you share a bit about your paths as sound healers? What drew you to this work?
We share a deep devotion to the spiritual path and to safe, gentle and powerful healing modalities. We have both had profound peak spiritual experiences in Sacred Sound. In addition to spiritual growth, our work connecting with sound frequencies also has brought us complete and rapidly accelerated healing of emotional and physical dis-ease (including cancer, depression, parasites, Lyme's co-infections and more). We have been offering this work for a combined 35 years, and 10 years working together full time! We continue to dedicate our lives to it because of the many attendees who have enjoyed and reported similar benefits.
Everyone I've talked to after your sound sessions have just glowed of it! How is this experience different from other sound baths?
Many have said that it is like having a massage, acupuncture treatment, Reiki session, peak mediation experience and even psychic surgery - all in one! It is in large part due to our extraordinary instruments. We are most blessed to be caretakers of 33 Alchemy singing bowls and are the only practitioners who are able to offer a duet between the two largest crystal didjeridoos in the world. :) It is also because the intention behind all of our Sound experiences goes far beyond the concept of a sound "bath," which by its nature is cleansing and relaxing. Both of these important benefits are included in our "Evolutionary Music" offerings, but Evolutionary Music also offers the activation and expansion of divine
spiritual gifts. This activation facilitates many possible benefits lasting far beyond the single experience, including: more complete access to our innate, divine healing gifts; visions and other experiences which illuminate attendees' spiritual path; and easier and deeper meditation practices for greater intuition, creativity, clarity and illumination of the physical and emotional energetics. We dial into guidance from the One via attendees' souls, guides and angels to create the frequency prescription which will best serve each soul at the session.
I understand that what you'll be offering at East West Bookshop is even more than that! What can you tell us of the workshop component of this special event?
This event is doubly special, in that it is both a semi-private Sound session and a workshop! The many possible benefits of Evolutionary Music will be amplified in semi-privates like this one, which by their nature serve a much smaller group than the usual. Each person will have much more frequency focused on their personal field, with more activation opportunities. The workshop will offer several techniques and Sacred Sound practices which participants can use to continually enjoy easier and more satisfying meditation, clear and expand their energy fields, and amplify their manifestation capacities. Plus, they will have the opportunity to heal themselves through a direct and intimate experience by playing any of 30 to 40 of the extraordinary Alchemy singing bowls. In addition to the benefits of Sound and the activated energies of the generalist of the crystal family, clear quartz, the alchemy bowls incorporate a variety of activated precious metals and gemstones. Each has its own healing energy; ruby bowls radiate spiritual wisdom. 24K gold is the master healer. Citrine has number of gifts, including being a prosperity catalyst. Rose quartz bowls encourage inner harmony.
What do you hope attendees of your event will take away with them?
All who attend will be offered the knowledge and tools to exponentially expand their understanding of how to operate most effectively as the divine beings they are while having their infinitely valuable human experience. This translates into the ability to create ever-increasing love, joy, peace, power and wisdom - not only for themselves, but also for everyOne whose lives they touch.
Learn more about Paradiso and Rasamayi's events on Oct 6 & 7 at East West Bookshop here.