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May 26, 2021
In the pre-dawn hours today, live webcam photos showcased a spectacular pink moon eclipse. For the next two weeks (until June 6) we’ll be under the influence of this morning’s breath-taking eclipse, which captured the luminaries in opposite signs of Gemini (Sun) & Sagittarius (Moon). The full moon each May is traditionally known as the full blossom moon.
What does this mean for you? Heightened memories and a rare opportunity to go deep, release what no longer serves you and return comfortably home – with love and a renewed perspective. This is the classic Hero’s Journey.
In the days before and after an eclipse, we all subconsciously tune into the messages from the eclipse. During this lunar eclipse, If you’ve had thoughts or dreams about balance vs. extremes, roots vs. upheaval, light vs. dark, hell vs. heaven, boundaries vs. patient withstanding, or images like wells, cables, levers & pulleys, trees, transportation and aerial perspectives, owls, eagles, knights, sacred geometry, wind, your own home and finally, love itself -- you’ve hit on what this eclipse energy and its associated Sabian symbols embody. Flowers and fruit (especially cherries and cherry blossoms), Mother Mary and her Eastern counterpart Quan Yin (the Moon Goddess) and the moon-like plant Lunaria (called the lucky money plant) are a few other symbols that have shown up in recent days for clients. Perhaps other messages or images have come specifically to you.
In this productive dreamtime with the Sun in dualistic Gemini, guidance is asking us to go deep, examine our contradictory beliefs and even indulge other’s perspectives. The Sabian symbols for this eclipse (roughly 5th – 8th degrees of both Gemini and Sagittarius) and their interpretations (by Elsie Wheeler, Blain Bovee and Linda Hill) provide rich metaphors, beginning with the solar perspective of a wise owl nestled in a grounded tree, followed by the lunar perspective of a revolutionary man peddling a propaganda newspaper. The Sabian symbols that follow show images of oil and water wells, digging and rigging and finally to Cupid himself shooting an arrow of love. How can you make your life easier, not by working harder, but smarter (e.g. all those pulleys at the well). How can you appreciate your true loves -- and what loves you truly? Those symbols are all on the metaphysical plane.
On the physical earth plane, they’ve been paralleled by recent war and peace talks in the Middle East, a grid attack, gas shortage and price fluctuations, careening court decisions and deeper investigations, and a recent Italian cliffside cable car disaster involving the intentional disabling of brake cables (to cover up mechanical defects that were thought too costly to repair). On the positive side, an invention tethered to the bottom of the ocean is now harnessing wind power at sea, 20 miles off the California shoreline.
The best images of today’s eclipse came from the big island of Hawaii. Shot in the backyard of a sweet young couple calling themselves “Starry Knights” (with a camera contraption they’d rigged up themselves) they observed the eclipse from one of the globe’s rare unclouded spots. “I’m glad we could give people around the world shots they couldn’t see,” said the gal modestly. She even looked like Quan Yin, I noted to myself.
Indeed, Quan Yin’s peaceful energy permeated the entire pink moon eclipse watch this morning (via webcam shots on timeanddate.com). Synchronistically, I came upon a traditional Chinese folk tale of Quan Yin which neatly tied all the Sabian symbols together in one story. I also came across the perfect Quan Yin eclipse meditation, in which writer Cherry Gilchrist relates a traditional meditation that visualizes the moon diminishing in size.
Whether you learn the lessons of this eclipse through traditional stories, dreams or real life adventures, I hope you will emerge stronger and kinder, returning home to a sweet memory come to life again.
by Deni Luna
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