Tarot, a Gateway to Guidance - by Catherine Greene

My personal interest in Tarot goes back over 30 years and my interest in the occult extends even farther. Psychics, astrologers, Aura readers, pendulum magic, healing crystals – I have benefited to one degree or another from them all as I have journeyed along my Spiritual Path. Most often, though, I have sought guidance from the Tarot – for many years as the one being read and also, for the last 20 years or so, as a reader for others using the OSHO Zen deck. There is a very simple reason for that – it’s what I’m drawn to and it works well for me.
I have come to realize though from reading for others, especially those who have never had a reading before, that they are sometimes unsure of whether they should do it or what to “ask” the deck if they do. It’s a really good question - how to decide when to have a reading and from whom to have it. Many people play with a Tarot deck as if it a game, which is a great way to get started! I have a number of clients, when asked if they have ever had their cards read – say that yes, a friend of theirs got a deck and then read did readings for everyone at the party. Usually though they also say that, while the reading was interesting, they had no idea “how good it was” or “if it was accurate.”
In my own experience, the best time to seek a reading is when we have a burning question. When we are struggling with something and the way forward is just not clear. Another good time is when we are having a transition of some kind and we would like to know more about the potential outcome. I generally have my cards read sometime between the end of September (my birthday month) and New Years – just so I can lay the foundations for the year ahead. Last year, I decided to retire and I had several readings related to that – because the transition out of my career and into “the rest of my life” was very important to me. Finally, I am also a big proponent of spontaneity! Have a reading whenever the mood strikes! Those impulses come from the same source as the reading itself – the unseen guidance and love that surrounds us all.
Catherine is a Tarot Reader at East West. She reads on Wednesday evenings from 3:30-7pm. To book an appointment, call the store at 206.523.3726