Rainee's Crystal Blog: Lapis Lazuli

January 23, 2018 1 Comment

Rainee's Crystal Blog: Lapis Lazuli

By Rainee Osborn

    Lapis Lazuli--a symbol of wisdom and truth, and a stone of protection--has been used for thousands of years by priests and royalty. Valued more highly than gold, the ancient Egyptians used Lapis in their ceremonial dress, crowns, jewelry, make-up and dyes. The highest quality and most powerful stones have deeper, richer blues like the color of the night sky with less white and a substantial amount of golden pyrite flecks. The blue signifies our vast potential, our infinite source of life within. The gold flecks of pyrite bring in the energy of prosperity and abundance. 

     Lapis activates and opens the chakras. By working with Lapis we gain access to our higher mind, the mind of God, and our truth. Lapis assists us in our spiritual enlightenment. It takes us deeper within, harmonizing our heart (feeling) and mind (thought) making mastery in any area of life more readily attainable. With greater awareness of our intuitive and psychic natures and our own truth, we are empowered to clearly envision our dreams and to live them with vitality and a fearless, adventurous spirit. We are free to explore our soul’s journey and inspired to find and live our divine purpose.  

     Lapis is widely recognized as a protective stone, due to it’s ability to protect one from both physical danger and psychic attacks. Lapis Lazuli’s ability to activate the body’s regenerative energy makes it not only protective but potentially healing as well. Lapis brings to the surface the things we need to see, to work with and heal. It assists with the release of emotional baggage, allowing us to overcome depression through serenity and self acceptance. This leads us to greater clarity, connection with dreams and insight, and stimulates more honest communication with our self and others. Lapis Lazuli allows us to keep our feet on the ground and our head in the clouds.  

     The best way to use Lapis Lazuli is to wear it as jewelry. A necklace can help open the throat chakra assisting us in honest communication, it can open the heart chakra and help us release repressed anger and pain. Rings, bracelets and earrings can also be worn, for greatest effect, let the lapis touch the skin. Stones held in the hand during meditation will deepen the journey. 

Rainee Osborn is an empath and intuitive. She does weekly readings on Monday mornings at East West Bookshop to assist you with self-empowerment, physical/emotional/spiritual healing and aligning with your purpose or life work. Rainee offers: Jikiden Reiki, Animal Communication, Twin Crystal Readings (with Akashic Records readings), and Vampire Tarot. To learn more about Rainee and to book an appointment at East West click here

1 Response

Crystal Shop
Crystal Shop

May 28, 2019

Lapis Lazuli is indeed a precious stone of truth in all viewpoints. It uncovers inward truth and advances mindfulness and the acknowledgment of that information. It accommodates the alleviation of things that may have been stifled and takes into account them to surface, lessening disease or subdued annoyance, and takes into account self-articulation without keeping down or trading off.

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